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Wheat Ridge Divorce and Child Custody Lawyer | Settle My Jefferson County Family Law Case or Go to Trial?

On Behalf of | Aug 15, 2017 | Divorce |


Family law cases dealing with divorce or child custody in Wheat Ridge and Jefferson County are always emotional and sometimes contentious. There are major decisions that need to be made – decisions that will affect you and your children’s lives. Often, clients feel that they have an extremely strong case of getting their desired outcome on a contested dissolution of marriage issue or parenting plan point. However, handing over the decision to a Jefferson County judge is always a gamble. You have to remember that a divorce court judge will look at both parties’ arguments, evidence and testimony, and the law before making a decision. You may think the outcome is certain, but there is always a chance the judge will rule differently.

A Westminster Child Custody and Divorce Attorney Can Provide Options

Having a knowledgeable Westminster child custody or divorce attorney on your side is your best shot at getting your desired outcome. At the Pearman Law Firm, we can negotiate terms with the other party’s lawyer to come to a middle ground that’s amenable to your situation. Using our many years of experience in family law, we can analyze your case and discuss options and whether or not it is a good idea to put the decision in the hands of a Jefferson County District Court judge. We can pull from similar past cases and current statutes to advise you on how a judge may rule and what we have seen in our experience. We’ve been in  divroce court many times before.

Taking Contested Issues to Trial in Arvada

When discussing your divorce or patenting time plan with an Arvada family law attorney, you need to know what the best and worst-case scenario is for taking your case to trial. Many of our clients are willing to compromise because a guaranteed outcome is easier to handle than the possible worst-case scenario. Others are still willing to go in front of a judge and argue their side, because they have a good case and they are unwilling to compromise. It is really a choice that you will need to make, taking into consideration the advice and potential outcomes presented by your attorney. The potential for loss should always cause you to pause.

If you are getting a divorce or dealing with child custody and parenting time issues, contact the best family law attorneys from the Pearman Law firm for a free initial phone consultation at 720-259-9528 today.

Image Source: Pixabay-quimono

