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How social media can become detrimental to your divorce

On Behalf of | Mar 7, 2022 | Divorce |

Nowadays, most people have an online presence. One of the main benefits of widespread social media is connecting to friends and family, particularly during hard times. Divorce may tempt you to vent on Facebook or Twitter, but Psychology Today suggests you stay mindful about social media.

Oversharing may harm your divorce case.

Ongoing divorce cases may be subject to change

Practice extra care during the negotiation stage of your divorce. Your social media presence can impact the overall case. For instance, if you seek spousal support but post about recent purchases, your spouse may try to use the posts to show why he or she should not have to pay. Even if you think you have an amicable relationship with your spouse and have a complete agreement, be careful of the details you post online. Even if you block your former spouse, he or she may have mutual friends that can access your social media.

Negative content may trigger retaliatory action

During a divorce, it is normal to feel an array of negative emotions. While you should have close friends or family members to talk to about your feelings, do not post them publically. Angry posts can potentially harm mutual friends, family members or children if they have social media. Likewise, it may invite retaliation from your former spouse. Keep the negative talk offline to avoid exacerbating the conflict.

When it comes to issues like alimony and property division, you do not want any person going through your social media with the intent to find ways to weaken your case. Keep your privacy settings on high and take care not to post about the divorce.

