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Couple shares the joys of adoption

by | Jul 4, 2013 | Adoption

Many residents in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, understand the joys of having children in their home. There are some, however, who have challenges conceiving children. Luckily, adopting children is an option that opens up a loving home to orphaned children.

A couple who adopted their first child through a Colorado agency ten years ago recently received an award as the Foster Parents of the Year in their region. The couple’s original plan was to marry and build a family of their own. Nonetheless, after adopting their first child, they wanted more. The couple adopted three children, and they may consider adopting more in the future.

The couple has been foster parents to more than 20 children. Their house has served as a temporary home for many children who were victims of abuse or neglect. The couple finds joy in providing a loving home to those children who they have taken care of.

The story of this adoptive family is heartwarming. The adoptive father expresses that adopting the children is rewarding. The adoptive mother, on the other hand, stated that, although there are responsibilities that come with it, stepparent adoption is a dream come true.

Sadly, not all children in the foster system are adopted. In fact, there has been a decline in adoption across the states.

There are many children who are ready for adoption here in Colorado and across the entire U.S. Fortunately, there are different initiatives in Colorado that help inform people about is the joys of adoption. In many cases, neglect, abuse or other domestic issues cause the children to live separately from their parents.

People who wish to adopt will need to prove their preparedness to assume parental responsibilities. There are several resources in the state to train people and make sure that they are eligible to adopt. Research and preparedness is key, but the rewards are incalculable.

Source: Tri-Parish Times, “Houma couple finds joy as adoptive, foster parents,” Claudette Olivier, June 25, 2013.
