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Protecting Assets in Divorce – Overview

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2014 | Divorce |

If you are going through a divorce or legal separation in Colorado, there are a number of factors to consider in making sure that your assets and liabilities are fairly divided by the court. It is important, whether you have high income and substantial assets or not, that all your property and liabilities are fairly valued and equitably divided.

Over the next few posts, we will provide you some information, tips and strategies on protecting your assets through a divorce.

  • Do you need an attorney?
  • What financial information do I need to report to the court?
  • What if my spouse is currently unemployed or underemployed?  How does that impact dividing our assets and further financial implications?
  • How are my taxes effected? What about the tax issues surrounding IRAs and other retirement assets?
  • How do we decide who gets what property? Is it still “just mine” if it was mine before the marriage?
  • What if we have/do not have a pre-nup?
  • What’s the deal with Maintenance?  Is that Alimony?  Am I going to have to pay? What about child support?

These questions and topics will be covered in our blog over the next few weeks.  If you need information before then, call us at 720-259-9528 or submit an inquiry through this website.  We are here to help you navigate this stressful event.

