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Wheat Ridge Divorce Lawyer | Allocation of Parental Responsibilities and Religion

by | May 8, 2018 | Divorce


For divorcing parents, allocating parental responsibilities is a major part of the divorce process. Religion is one of those responsibilities that can cause conflict between parents. Religion plays a large role in the lives of many people in Wheat Ridge and Jefferson County. For religious people, raising their family in the same faith is very important to them. This is not generally an issue when the family is a unit, but what happens when parents choose to get a divorce? And what about when the parents have different religious backgrounds? This can be a serious point of contention. So, how does the Jefferson handle these issues? Let’s find out.

Religious Rights and the Jefferson County Court: Can the Court Intervene on What Religion You Want to Raise Your Kids In?

Your right to practice your religion is protected under the First Amendment. This means the Jefferson County Court has to be careful when making any determinations regarding religion. They don’t want to impede on anyone’s right to practice (or not practice) a certain religion. The Constitution also protects a parent’s right to raise their children in the manner they choose. Again, the Court has to be careful when determining how/when to intervene regarding disputes when it comes to religious upbringing of the kids.

Religion and the Child’s Best Interest: When a Determination Must Be Made

As always, the court is mainly focused on what is in the best interest of the children. That is always the first priority. Ideally, if two parents have different religious beliefs they would be able to expose their children to both sides, allowing them to make their own decision some point down the line. However, there are some religions that are restrictive and would not allow for this. If that’s the case, the court may rule for one specific parent to have the responsibility of the religious upbringing of the children. In these cases, the judge can order that the other parent not interfere or attempt to introduce another religion to the children.

If you are getting a divorce and worry that your children’s religious upbringing may be an issue, contact the best family law attorneys from the Pearman Law Firm at 303-991-7600 for a initial phone consultation.

Image Source: Pixabay-Tama66
