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How can counseling help save my marriage?

by | Jul 28, 2020 | Divorce

Nearly half of married couples end up calling it quits during their marriage in the United States. Fortunately, that rate is falling and it may be due to more couples seeking out marriage counseling first.

If you or your spouse are considering divorce, utilizing the tools that come with marriage counseling may be able to help you stay wed. Here are some ways marriage counseling can help save you from a divorce.

Unbiased advice can help improve relationships

According to Psychology Today, one advantage of marital counseling is that both parties receive advice on how to make their marriage work. This unbiased advice takes both parties into account, which can be very valuable. Sometimes it is hard to hear what your spouse is saying because they are saying it. Hearing impartial advice from a professional can help you see that your spouse is not trying to attack you, but is trying to express their feelings or vice versa.

Getting rid of anger and frustration can save your marriage

Another common reason couples seek a divorce is due to feelings of anger, disappointment, resentment and frustration that become overwhelming. Many couples therapists understand that these feelings are destructive to a marriage. With enough time, those feelings may become all-consuming until you forget what it was that made you love your spouse to begin with.

Marriage counseling can offer a safe space for you to bring up these feelings to get past them. For marriage counseling to work, however, you have to be willing to work on your marriage. If you are already resolved to seek a divorce, counseling will likely only be a waste of time.
