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Addressing and avoiding summer child custody complications

On Behalf of | May 17, 2022 | Child Custody |

The arrival of summer usually means children are no longer in school and have plenty of free time to enjoy certain pursuits with their parents. But when those parents are divorced, complications may surface regarding custody arrangements.

Summer plans are on the table, but it is important that divorced parents talk about these matters to limit any disagreements. The goal is to communicate, negotiate, compromise and look for creative ways to which both parents may agree to adjustments in custody-related matters.

Your child’s best interests

The first thing to remember is that both parents must keep the child’s best interests in mind regarding summer scheduling. Ideally, both of you want your child to gain as many life experiences as possible, exposing them to a number of different activities.

Your child’s happiness should motivate the two of you.

Negotiation and cooperation are critical between parents. When prospective summer plans surface, make sure to talk about them with the other spouse well in advance.

Consider certain trade-offs

Granted, you may have to make certain trade-offs.

For example, perhaps, a once-in-a-lifetime trip abroad with the other parent may intrude upon your scheduled time with your child. By discussing this situation with the other parent, you can make this work, especially in seeing the excitement and anticipation on your child’s face.

Disagreements regarding summer excursion expenses also may surface.

However, this may be a moot point since many divorce agreements include stipulations that the parent who has custody of the child for that week or that month is responsible for specific expenses. Such costs may be related to summer camps, summer school programs and family trips.

Let your child benefit

Understand that your child always has been the priority for both parents. That philosophy should continue through summer. Try not to let summer scheduling complicate custody arrangements. Talk things through when it comes to custody arrangements. Your child can only benefit.

